Our take on the Million Dolla Smile, the Goth God, (Official Music Video), "I am a Hater" song.

"The title and description both encapsulate the image and persona of "Million Dollar Smile." It emphasizes his self-proclaimed title as "The Goth God" and builds anticipation with a tone of triumph and promise. The phrase "coming out of the lion's den" effectively hints at overcoming challenges or emerging victorious from a dire situation, which can make the audience curious about the backstory and the journey of Million Dollar Smile. This title and description should do very well in generating interest and inviting clicks from potential viewers."

Bryerstone Media

I am a Hater by Million Dolla Smile (Official Music Video)

Million Dollar Smile, the Goth God, Official Music Video, "I am a Hater." The Goth God, Million Dolla Smile delivered on his message before coming out of the lion's den that he would unleash his fury of unstoppable melodies to the masses. Well, Here it is!